I don't understand why I am blogging at one in the morning. Freud would say that I would be insane to not be fulfilling my desire to voice my self deepest emotional conundrums to an impersonal entity in cyberspace or simply put, to blog. Why do I find it irrational to to be blogging at 1 in the morning? Because I also desire going to church in less than 8hrs. Then again, Freud would say I was insane because of my belief in God and tolerance of religions hindrance upon my "natural instinct". So to put it frankly, to hell with this guy and this first paragraph of utter nonsense. If you enjoyed this first paragraph, then continue reading the following, but be forewarned: you I.Q. may continue to drop at a rapid right upon further perception of these readings and this first paragraph my be as good as it gets. If it makes you feels any better, the fact you clicked on this in the first place doesn't mean you have to worry about losing much ;).
But on a real note, I was inspired to blog again because of a girl named Meredith at my school. She smart, but her wits didn't inspired me because I've never spoken to her. She memorable, but her stature hasn't directly impressed itself upon me because I can't remember the last time I was in her presence. She is strong, but not relating to the fact she can kick my butt after having shoulder surgery because anyone could do that at the moment. She beautiful, but I'm not attracted to because well...for one that's illegal and two I'm not really looking to be attracted to anyone soooo...let's move on. I could go on and on, but I think you already have the point and instead of boring you by continuing on and treat you as a 3rd grader, let me reiterate. Besides obviously being a creation of God (which is easily the greatest achievement we can accomplish), she is herself, she's SPECIAL. This phrase gets thrown around a lot, but I'm not referencing the light hearted usage of this phrase to comfort a child that gets their feelings hurt because of a lack of accomplishment. I'm reference the deep felt, soul shaking, heart breaking moments when this is used.
Now think of such momentS (emphasis on plural) when you have thought this or when someone has said this to you. It's ok I can wait...
Now that you have thought of this and hopefully others, what do they have in common. The correct answer is, "The positive impact upon others' lives, whether intentional or not". She is special because she has positively impact live inadvertently of people she doesn't even know. "How?", you might ask. Well thanks for asking because I'll tell you. (Did we just have a conversation that stretched over time and space? Yes, yes we did. Do you want to wire all your money to my bank account? Yes, yes you do,)
Elaborating upon this, she is special because she has inspired me to blog again because i have seen the effects of her blogging and how they have touched others. If I could only have an ounce of that effect, man...
So I originally began this with the intent of going somewhere, but in the process I have forgotten what that was. So if you will excuse me, I promise once I recall it I'll either add it on later or create another post. So let me leave you with this: be special.