"Philosophers & professors discover the keys to knowledge, but it's those who daily apply and individually interpret wisdom change the world." -It doesn't matter because all wisdom comes from God -

Friday, November 19, 2010

My Fears...

The post below is something I previously had under my notes on Facebook, but I decided to move it over here so I don't lose it.

Been meaning to write a note (not really sure why, but maybe the thought of helping someone has finally overwhelmed procrastination).

"Only thing we have to fear is fear itself." -FDR-

Smart guy, had to in order to be President, but not completely accurate. If we disregard our fear we spiral into a false sense of reality which only ends in greater heart ache than facing the fear. If we over aggressively confront the fear blindly we lose our sense of barring and like a fearless linebacker over pursing the running back; we take ourselves out of the play. Medal of Honor recipients are an accurate display of over coming fear with overwhelming courage while executing decisions flawlessly. The truly fearless are afraid, but not afraid to act.

My fears...

I fear God and that day of judgment when all my deeds shall pass through the flame to be tested. I also fear sitting with God and going through all my sins one day, even though I will be in heaven. I fear potential because potential is nothing more than wasted success. I fear not telling someone I truly love, good bye and whispering the gentle three word phrase in their ear to comfort them in their final moments. I fear the broken hearts of girls as I collect the pieces off the ground, only to realize...I can't help this time. I fear betraying a friend's trust because I am a very condemning and judging person (though I do not like and fight it daily) and I realize they will someday judge me with that same ruler. I fear the thought of failure more than I enjoy success because the scares of failure take longer to mend than the fleeting moments of enjoyment.  I fear being too kind to others, trying to spare their feelings, and by doing so sacrificing their integrity in order to preserve their image. Second to last...I fear hurting those close to me.There is something inside of me that is cold and barren and seeks to kill like a cancer; always spreading without knowing friend or foe. I fear that with a passion and it drives me to try and put others before me but yes, I fail. Most of all I fear God's plans for me, for he has planned great things, vast things, things that zap the blood from an introverts face for the magnitude of them. I wish I were being metaphorical, but I am not an artisan gifted with words.  Instead, I am a man that can be overwhelmed by his passionate hopes to change just one life by sacrificing time, sleep, and what little conscience brain power he has just to be spat upon and passed along like hand towel waiting for its next user. It does not bother me as much as it would seem. It doesn't because there is hope.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is insight" Proverbs 9:10

I don't dare try to comprehend the depths of this statement, let alone try and explain it. All I know is God does not fear anyone or anything (the benefits of being omnipotent) and frankly, that's the only God I desire to follow; one that doesn't need me while I need Him.

You know I guess it would have been more appropriate for FDR to have said, "the only thing to fear is ONE'S self". For we are the one's who make the decisions to carry scares for a lifetime while passing on the opportunity to love for a short time. Individuals are the only people that can allow themselves to get hurt or make stupid decisions while passing on opportunities.

For now I leave you my thoughts and emotion wide open for you to see but the questions is now, "are you willing to do the same?"

1 comment:

  1. No temptation (like fear) faces us that others have not faced before us, but God is faithful and gives us a way out-- an opportunity to step Toward that fear, not around it, and in so doing make it our servant, no longer our master. Perfect Love casts out all Fear; sometimes that first step is a baby step. Sometimes it's taking something easy from our avoided checklist (ex. driver's liscense??) and as Brig would say.. "git 'er done". In that moment courage is born.
